
Innovative Solutions for Sustainable Living

100 Year Plan Today (100YPT) aims to organize, develop and deliver community solutions through focused commercial Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs) that deliver affordable Home Ownership, Education, Health, Sustainable Energy and other priority foci i.e Food, Water and Environmental Management. This model underpins the local, regional and national economy and will attract significant foreign direct investment (FDI).

Our Impactful Projects


Affordable housing solutions


Decentralized health wards and remote monitoring


Microgrids and energy saving initiatives

& Training

Skills development for community growth

Building Resilient Communities

Driving Sustainable Housing Through Investment

Our commercial model attracts foreign direct investment to deliver 5000 new homes per cycle (24-36 months)

a process that can be repeated continuously. This innovation will kickstart a cycle of house building and repeat financing to meet the needs of families seeking a guaranteed route to ownership.

Utilization Of Funds for Community Development

Phase 1: Feasibility study investment of $NZ 15M attracts the FDI investment required to fund the delivery of the first cycle 100YPT projects with a focus on first homes.

Total Investment
Phases of Feasibility Study

Home Finance



Sustainable Energy

Water Management

Phase 1
Feasibility Study







Total Investment in Partnerships Phase 1 (1 – 12 months)

Phase 2
Scale Up







Total Investment in Partnerships Phase 2 (13 – 24 months)

Project Goals

100YPT execution is across two stages

Phase 1

Feasibility 6-12 months deliver a
feasibility study

Phase 2

Scale up 13-24 months investment is secured towards the first 5000 homes target

Path to Project Success

100 Year Plan Trust is asking for collaboration to enable equitable and sustainable homeownership on scale: uniting private sector, local communities, and government.

Next steps this quarter:

  1. Scheduling meetings between 100YPT and stakeholders to develop an inclusive action plan with KPIs around 5000 first homes.
  2. Building upon our commercial market strategy.
  3. Exploring investment opportunities for accelerated deployment.
  4. Help to eliminate obstacles for Māori to become homeowners on their own land.